07 | 9 Easy Ways to Write Blog Post Titles That Drive Massive Traffic

Anna breaks down the importance of having a captivating blog title in this episode as well as several ways to format your blog titles that will draw readers in. If you’re reading a blog post, you’re likely in search of a question you want answered or interested in a specific topic and as a blogger you probably aren’t the first person to write on a topic so using the examples from this episode to title your blog posts can significantly assist in guiding a reader to choose your blog post over someone elses on a similar topic. From addressing your audience to using power words, keywords, superlatives, numbers and more, your blog title is not the place to skimp out. Similarly to any other content you produce, blog titles should be strategic and intentional!


Want to take it a step further with your blog posts? Download The Complete Guide: Anatomy of a Blog Post that Converts 

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Katie Anderson