03 | Creating a System to Streamline Your Content Creation
Here to debunk the beliefs that say you need a ton of time to put out high quality and quantity content, Anna is back to break down her own content creation system. You should know by now that blogging isn’t dead, in fact can be really valuable in growing a business so you’re going to need a content creation system in order to save time and gain visibility with your blog content.
Anna takes you through the three key pieces to her content creation - getting organized, preparing and planning your calendar, and then creating the content itself. These three parts are what will allow you to show up consistently and get ahead in the process so you don’t feel like you’re always two steps behind or flying by the seat of your pants. Anna also shares the importance of having a place to house all your drafts and content, how to save documents so you can easily find it later, creating templates, what to think about when preparing your calendar, and her secret repurposing content formula so you can get the most out of it!
Mentioned in this episode:
BuzzSumo Content Marketing Platform
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