The Top 5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Email List Subscribers with Your Blog Content
Learn how to boost your email list subscribers using your blog content in this post.
Where were you in the great Facebook outage of 2021? Do you remember? How did it impact you?
Can you tell that I’m lathering this in sarcasm? But in all reality.
As an online entrepreneur you probably already know (and if you didn’t before the outage, you do now) that having an email list IS the lifeblood of your business. When all else fails, having a solid email list of subscribers will keep your business afloat. Like, almost literally.
Not to mention that email marketing has the highest conversion rate than any other marketing platform there is. But relying on networking in Facebook groups or attempting to convert your Instagram followers isn’t enough to fuel the growth of your list.
I literally thought about this last week in the midst of the outage…
“How would I grow my email list without Facebook or Instagram?”
And my answer was simple.
The blog.
Mayyyybee you’re here because you’ve been considering a blog for your business or maybe you’ve already started. Either way this post is for you if you’d like to get more email subscribers on your list without relying on social media platforms.
In this post I’m sharing a behind the scenes look at growing your email list with your blog content. You’ll see exactly how I approach blog content planning and publishing in order to strategically attract my ideal clients and convert them into email list subscribers.
I’ll share the importance of prioritizing growing your email list, what the process of getting email subscribers generally looks like and then I’ll dig into the 3 things your blog needs to guarantee email subscribers
Why You Need Email List Subscribers
When I first started blogging I thought I was so cute growing my Instagram following to 10k. It felt like such a huge accomplishment, and I guess it probably is. But it wasn’t at all what it’s cracked up to be. Instagram followers does not equate to more money earned.
In fact, it wasn’t until I surrounded myself with seasoned bloggers that I learned exactly how wrong I was in my approach to growing my audience.
You can’t build your dream property on a rented plot of land. And that’s what your social media channels like Instagram and Facebook are.
I want to challenge you to begin thinking about yourself not just as a business owner, but as a small media company. Your content on your website is your ‘media’ and you own the domain as well as the list of names and emails of the people within your community.
Here’s why you need to be prioritizing your email subscribers:
Email is personal. And if you know anything about marketing - it’s all about relationships. What better way to build meaningful, impactful relationships?
Email Doesn’t Answer to Algorithms. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, or Google - you’re up against an algorithm whenever you are posting content in any of these places. Having an email list keeps you from going up against an algorithm that may not show your content to everyone.
Email Works. Ask anyone who’s who and they’ll tell you. Email marketing has a much higher conversion rate than social media.
How to Get Email List Subscribers
Okay so now that you know WHY you should be focusing on email - let’s get to it, shall we?
How do you add new subscribers to your email list?
Poignant question.
1. Attract the Right Traffic to Your Blog
It’s not enough to just get lots of traffic to your blog. It won’t matter at all if it’s not the RIGHT traffic for your offers. Before you do anything else, start with creating content that is tailored to your ideal client. Which means knowing and understanding your audience, where they are, and what their pain points are.
ALSO READ: How to Promote Your Blog Content (For Free) In 7 Steps
If you have a clear picture of your ICA (ideal client avatar) then you should easily be able to do this. But in the case that you do not, then you are going to want to spend some time talking to your audience, asking them questions about their experience. This is by far the best and most effective way to pinpoint what specific needs your ICA has.
2. Create a Compelling Lead Magnet
Offering a freebie or a lead magnet is one of the best ways to add new subscribers to your list. In order for it to be most effective, it needs to be good. Full of value and potentially even be something that you’d want to charge for.
Of course, you don’t *have* to have a lead magnet - but then what are you offering your readers in exchange for your email address?
A weekly newsletter?
You certainly *can* do that.
But when was the last time you eagerly awaited the first newsletter to come from a list you subscribed to?
3. Make it Easy for Users to Opt-In
User experience matters. It matters a lot. If your site is difficult to navigate or it’s not clear how they can opt-in to your lead magnet, you can go ahead and kiss your potential subscribers goodbye. It’s not enough to put it out there one time and cross your fingers that it works.
Create multiple opportunities for a user to opt-in to your lead magnet.
Sticky Bar Opt-In
Sidebar Opt-In
Embedded Opt-In
Pop Up Opt-In
4. Leverage Your Blog Content on Social Media
Social media can be a great way to share about your lead magnet or talk about what value you’re providing in your emails. Simply sharing about your lead magnet and promoting your blog content on social media is a great way to start. You can also add a subscribe button to your Facebook page to make it easier for visitors to opt-in to your email list. Additionally, adding a link to your email list or lead magnet in your social bio gives your followers a way to connect further with you.
5. Use Pinterest to Share Your Lead Magnet
Pinterest is a visual search engine. It’s not a social media platform, per say. Though, I know that it often gets lumped in with the other social media platforms. However, if you are blogging then you definitely need to be using Pinterest to get traffic to your site.
You can also pin directly to your lead magnet or landing page. This will give Pinterest searchers a way to directly access your lead magnet and subscribe to your email list.
ALSO READ: How to Use Pinterest to Grow Your Email List
3 Things Your Blog Needs to Guarantee Email Subscribers
Okay so you want to know what the needle movers are, right? Like all of these ideas are great but if you had to nail down the top three things to do to get more email subscribers - what would it be?
Sure thing, I got you. I’m a fellow action taker, so I totally get it!
Compelling Lead Magnet
Start with a lead magnet that addresses the needs and pain points of your ideal client. The best type of lead magnet will play to your personal strengths and will meet your clients where they are. The purpose of a lead magnet is to give your readers something of value in exchange for their email address. Don’t be afraid to pack your lead magnet full of value. The whole point is to help your readers achieve a win.
Content that Supports Your Lead Magnet
Most people aren’t necessarily doing this part. So take it from me, that you’ll be glad you did. Once you’ve created a great and compelling lead magnet, then begin developing content around that lead magnet. This content will ultimately generate more traffic to your site and you’ll be able to introduce your lead magnet in an organic way.
Multiple Opportunities for Opt-In
Don’t assume that your readers will find your subscribe button at the bottom of your website.
We all know what assuming does.
Make it a point to create multiple opportunities to opt-into your lead magnet. Start with a sticky bar at the top of your page, include an option to opt-in in the right hand sidebar. Embed the lead magnet into your blog posts and even use a well timed pop up opt-in.
If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! If you landed here because you’re a scroll to the bottom type - well then, let me give you a brief synopsis of what you’ll need to do to get more email list subscribers.
Don’t rely on your social media channels. If we’ve learned anything this year, it’s that you absolutely cannot be putting all your marketing eggs into the Facebook/Instagram basket, mmkay?
Start a blog. Use it to share the bomb knowledge you have about your niche. This will be the lifeblood of your content marketing (instead of social) and will drive traffic to your site which will ultimately get you more email subscribers. Start with your social media content, even. I have just the thing for you. Check out my content repurposing masterclass.
Create a compelling lead magnet. Something that your ICA actually wants/needs. Pack it full of amazingness. Make it so good you could charge for it.
Create blog content to support the lead magnet. You’ll start attracting the right audience. And then embed your lead magnet into those blog posts.
Create multiple opportunities for opt-in. Don’t assume readers will find your opt-in. Make it easy for them to opt-in.